How Email Archiving Changed the Way We Communicate
Sep 23, 2024

How Email Archiving Changed the Way We Communicate

The digital age has fundamentally changed the way we communicate and interact with others at work and in our day to day lives. Thanks to the rise and prevalence of technology, we’re constantly creating data. With email being the primary communication channel for most businesses if not all, it is important to keep true and untampered records through the practice of email archiving. But how exactly has email archiving changed the way we communicate?

Auto Track of Your Emails

With the steady increase of emails sent and received year on year, how companies manage data and content in a compliant way has become both a challenge and an obligation. In business, it is often advised that an email archiving solution is set in place in order to automate an effective and secure email retention workflow. The benefits of email archiving are conclusive when implemented properly into a business environment.

Email archiving can help free up storage space and provide reassurance for the business. With the knowledge that valuable communications are safe and easily accessible, businesses can focus on the job in hand and not have to worry about email data being deleted or manipulated. 

There is growing awareness around the need to keep copies of emails, as well as some prominent court cases where companies have been fined for deleting emails. For example, as reported by the Society for Human Resource Management in 2016, a fine of $3 million was issued to a company due to an employee deleting emails. It is likely that discussion around these sorts of cases has led to a greater employee and organisational awareness around the importance of email archiving.

Encouraging Positive Etiquette in Employee Email Behaviours

The majority of messages communicated through business connections are critically relevant to the organisation such as purchase orders, client contracts. However, in some cases, these messages can also be intertwined with non-business related content that is deemed inappropriate or frowned upon. Examples of this can include workplace harassment, cyberbullying and even sharing of trade secrets. When information like this is shared amongst your coworkers or worse, leaked outside of the organisation, it could cause major issues for you and your business. 

With email archiving solutions like Cryoserver, you can be assured that all email communications and sensitive data are protected so it can’t be tampered with or deleted. As a result, employees are more careful about what they say and put in emails, maintaining a professional and positive work ethic. Should anything need to be pulled from the archive for evidence, there is no doubt that all emails are correct and contain the original content. 

Business Continuity

One of the main benefits of an email archiving system is that copies of all emails are easily and safely stored away automatically. This leaves a continuous live feed of emails to filter through without running the risk of slowing the servers down. As a result, this improves communications with all your stakeholders and allows you to focus and meet various deadlines of relevant and important tasks such as chasing business and processing orders without having to worry about unnecessary time-wasting caused when manually archiving emails. 

For more information on how an email archiving system can benefit your business, contact us today and speak to one of our advisors.